Manifestation Game, Day 1

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Welcome to Day 1 of the manifestation game story...

Today, first off today is not the first day of the story, just the first day I had the website up and running, so I could tell the story... This all started happening about 3 days ago.. Just before the Full moon yesterday.

My friend Jeremy and I were discussing our current project we call The Empower The Imagination VIP (Virtual Incubator program). A program where we help people manifest their ideas to market. I decided I should also be a client of our program, you know, taste my own medicine. During the conversation we were discussing how life was kind of like a manifestation game. At that moment, I was struck with a vision, so profound, so powerful, I was cast into a deep trance like sleep for about 3 hours and 33 minutes.

When I awoke, I knew all the pieces were already in place to manifest this idea to market.

Within hours, I was compelled to do a web search, and file for a trademark, and to my surprise not only was available, but there were no trademarks that were even remotely similar.

The game is a way to understand the basic principles of creating your best reality. A way to enjoy the ideas of manifestation practitioners, as well as implement the ideas, techniques, and reasoning into your real life.

Anyway, The vision required some key pieces come into place. We needed some AMAZING ARTWORK, and I made a few posts on social media, reaching out to my network, which ended up connecting me with some great people ready to move forward to contribute to the manifestation of this vision.

Everything is just coming together like a divine plan, like the universe is conspiring to make this happen, and very quickly. To me it seems the game is more real than I had imagined.

Hope We can discuss further in future posts, and possibly connect on a live stream or broadcast.

Thanks again for taking the time to check out our story.

Respectfully, Aaron and (The team)