Day 2 Manifestation Game

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Things are really taking shape... The vision is even clearer, and my eyes are opening to the incredible way the universe is opening doors, now that I am moving forward with my idea. So here is what is happening.

As I was reaching out to Artists, to make a licensing agreement to use their images, I ran across a few people that showed me that, All I really have to do is open my mind to the possibility that it is already done, it is just a matter of experiencing all the pieces fitting together. I did that in my mind, with a clear vision.

I made sure it aligned with my heart, soul, and inner being. I not only THOUGHT it I FELT IT!!! I found a few artists whose art was definitely fitting the vision, so I reached out.

One of the people I spoke with worked in a card and game factory, and actually went to college for this very thing. They said they would love to test the game play. Coincidence? I had only contacted 1 other person up to this point.

The other person I contacted was the business manager for the artist. I spoke at length about the art business, and learned soooo much about that side of the project, I could only think to myself there is some cosmic or divine thing going on here. This was the first person I contacted.

The game set is really quite straightforward. The game lets you experience your desired manifestation in a state of play, as to awaken your child mind. The game play is simple and fun. I really think everyone will enjoy this one.

I have the basic game play drafted and have started writing the rule books. I have the basic card requirements started, and it just seems to be moving along quite rapidly. It is kind of strange sharing this, because I don't really want to watch it happen too closely, as the experience of letting it happen has really been the key to this started, and gaining momentum.

I truly feel like I am just along for the ride on this one, but what a ride it is turning out to be. I hope you join me on this ride, and play manifestation game with me.