Day ???

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I am not even sure what day it is on this project, what like Week 2, day 2 or something...

What an interesting few days, or was that like only a day or two... I think I hit a level of FLOW STATE, that I have never hit before, and then I hit the breaks, then I turned it up again... Almost breaking my consciousness. well at least my understanding of it, Don't worry, it bent and did grow, I think... At least I think I think...

So I was thinking about how to get into flow, and stay into flow, to the point that I went to the beach to relax, and hit a may have leveled up in some ways, anyway, I had to decompress with my feet in the sand. And left what needs to be done to happen as it would... And something CRAZY happened, Things still happened. The people who had expressed interest has a shared vision of sorts, and some kind of incomplete ideas were figured out through laying out the Rules of engagement, sort to speak... part of the Manifestation Process to Trust in your TEAM...

So what have I been up to on the back end.... well configuring the rules of digital play, Outlining the VERBIAGE of the written rules, updating the pages, configured the payment gateway, set up the membership levels and payment buttons, put the current build behind the development wall, and put some cards up that are open for visitors to view... I will can change every aspect of the play, and cards... Most will stay behind the MEMBERSHIP GATEWAY, and from time to time I will put up some cards for the public (non members) to enjoy. See what cards are in play today.

2 thoughts on “Day ???

    1. Chad. I will set up a BETA account for you to access the back end play area. It is still under construction, and will be developing over the next weeks.

      Thank you for your interest. I will email you log in details. Any feedback during the development phase is appreciated.

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