Following the Manifestation to Market program, the first week Of Vision was eye opening to say the least. The idea took form, and the vision became very clear. From Design elements to marketing, business plans, contributor/stakeholder relationships, and so much more. Some elements of Strategy, Energy, and Planning were woven into extracting the details and crystalizing the vision into something so real, it was difficult to imagine this idea not being manifest to market.
OK, so technically today marks the last day of the second week since this idea struck. So Strategy has been at the forefront of this weeks musings. Things like design plans, production process, and implementation ideas, were a swirling vortex of possibilities during the first days of this week. As small parts began to align with the vision, the strategy has taken form, for the development, deployment, and distribution of Manifestation Game.
Many of the contributors, JV partners, and key stakeholders seemed to just fall into place as the strategies became clear. At this stage, the plan is still a bit fluid, but the strategy is in place. Like anything someone is intentionally manifesting, the emotional energy and thought energy is an essential ingredient. This is where the Manifestation to Market process meets Week 3 of the Empower The Imagination Virtual Incubator Program.
In a nutshell, a slow steady progress will attract the correct elements and contributor/stakeholders to give each individual involved the freedom and power to share their unique talents in the most beneficial and productive way. Not so much any specific plans, but the strategy is in place, ready to energize and get ready for MASSIVE continued ACTION in week 4.
Maintaining Momentum, positive thoughts and feelings, as well as increasing the energy flow is where we will be going this next week. This does not eliminate the other areas of continuing to clarify the strategy and vision to the other contributors, and of course the last week of ACTION does not stop the activities associated with clarifying your idea into a vision, and developing a strategy that aligns with that vision.
I hope you enjoy the continuing story of Manifestation Game, and using the Manifestation to Market process...
Have a great day full of positive manifestations.